Home → Automated Emails → Automated Emails → How to Check if Automated Emails are Sent 1.4. How to Check if Automated Emails are Sent
This article will show you how to check if a lead has received and opened your automated emails. There are different methods to do this so be sure to scroll to the correct instructions for your device. To ensure that your Follow Up Emails are sent out, you must first follow the instructions in this support article that will show you how to turn these emails on. Then, verify that you are connected to wifi (or connect to wifi after the Open House). Instructions for iPad Log in to your account and tap "All" under "Leads". Tap on the lead that you want to monitor. This will bring you to the lead details page. Tap on "Emails Stats" to view all the emails that were sent for this specific lead and from here you can view the status and other details related to that email.
Instructions for Android Log in to your account and tap "All" under "Leads". Tap on the lead whose email status you want to monitor. This will bring you to the lead details page. Tap on "Emails Stats" to view all the emails that were sent for this specific lead and from here you can view the status and other details related to that email.
Instructions for Website You can view Email Stats for each individual lead by logging into your account on openhomepro.com and clicking on the Leads tab. Select a Lead from the left-hand side of the page. You can then view a lead's Contact Information, Email Stats, and the answers to the Questions that you asked during the Open House. Email Stats will show you the status of the email (delivered, bounced, etc.), the date and time that the email was sent, and if or when the email was opened.
Need more help? If you have additional questions about thank you emails, let us know at support@openhomepro.com
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