Home → Free Accounts → Starting an Open House → Android 8.2. Android
Before running an open house, you will need to make sure that you've created a listing page for the listing you're planning on running an open house for first. For more information on how to do this, click here. To start the open house, log into your account. By default, you will see your "Listings" > "All" section. You will see all of your listings indexed in the right column. Select the listing that you want to start the open house and tap "Begin Open House". A pop-up message will appear every time you run an open house to display a few reminders. Select "OK" to close the message.
The main screen for your open house will feed the first 5 images you have uploaded to your listing page. Visitors can sign in and enter their contact information by tapping the "Touch to Sign In" button. This is an example of what it will look like when a visitor is prompted to enter their contact information: After the visitor answers questions, Open Home Pro will confirm that the guest is signed in. Then, you will return back to the "Sign In" page for the next guest. After everyone has signed in, you need to end the open house by tapping the house icon in the upper left corner. Need more help? If you have additional questions about starting an open house in Open Home Pro, let us know at support@openhomepro.com
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