Home → Automated Emails → Automated Emails → Editing Automated Emails 1.2. Editing Automated Emails
This article will show you how to edit the contents of your Automated Emails for Premium Open Home Pro subscriptions. There are different methods on how you do this so be sure to scroll to the correct instructions for your device. Instructions for Ipad Log in to your account and tap on "Settings" then select "Email Settings". From this section, choose "Email Content" then select the template you want to modify. Each section that shows an edit or pencil icon allows you to make changes. From this section, choose "Email Content" then select the template you want to modify. Each section that shows an edit or pencil icon allows you to make changes.
Instructions for Android Log in to your account and tap on "Settings" then select "Email Settings". From this section, choose "Email Content" then select the template you want to modify. Each section that shows an edit or pencil icon allows you to make changes. When you are done customizing your email, signature, or photo, do not forget to save the changes by tapping "Update Email Content/Signature" and "Save photo".
Instructions for Website Once you are logged into your account on openhomepro.com, click on Settings in the top right-hand corner of the screen and select Emails from the drop-down. Find the template you wish to customize and click "Edit content". This will bring you to the content page of the template. Click on the blue pencil icon for the part of the email that you would like to edit. You can customize the content of the message before the property details, your logo, and your signature. Once you have edited your content, be sure to click on the blue update/save button.
Need more help? If you have additional questions about automated emails, let us know at support@openhomepro.com
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